<VV> RR-TT at BR 21-22 Aug 05

BBRT chsadek at adelphia.net
Wed May 18 17:00:37 EDT 2005

For all who may not read the Communiqué or who are newcomers to the list and 
didn't see the 2004 VV and FV articles about the Northeast Corvair Council 
(NECC) Time Trials (TT) and Racers' Reunions (RR), information may be found 
at www.corvair.org/chapters/NECC.  This year's Racers' Reunion and Time 
Trial is to be held at BeaveRun Motorsports Complex approximately three 
miles north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, exit 13, which is old exit 1B I 
believe.  First or second exit into PA after leaving Ohio. The web site is 
given again here: www.BeaveRun.com.

During the past year Mr. Brian O' Neill, bmoneill at juno.com,  has written 
several articles on FV and VV about the NECC Time Trials, their dates and 
where they are to be held during the year. These dates are listed in the 
Communiqué for all Corsa members as well as in advertisements in the 
Communiqué. This year, NECC is holding a Pocono PA event, Portland OR event, 
BeaveRun event, and a Lime Rock CT event.

For those who do not know, the Communiqué is the monthly award-winning 
magazine of the Corvair Club of America (CORSA). www.corvair.org has much 
information about the club, chapters, events and rules governing events plus 
many other listings.

The Racers' Reunions were begun by Warren LeVeque, levair at aol.com, holding 
the first event at Mid-Ohio Raceway near Mansfield OH in 1996.  He was 
assisted greatly by Jim Schardt and others.  After the initial get together, 
events were held yearly in time trial format at various tracks including 
Blackhawk Farms IL, Putnam Park IN, Gateway, Lime Rock CT, Virginia 
International Raceway VA, Summit Point VA, and BeaveRun.  Many years ago, 
Dan Giannotti and later, Chuck Sadek, joined Warren to provide additional 
social and technical events at the RR weekend.  We enlisted NECC who has 
been doing Time Trials primarily in the NE for 26 yr, to handle the 
financial arrangements and events at the track.  Since 2001, we have 
partnered to provide a weekend event that is considered by many to be a 
must-do event each year.  In 2002 at, VIR, we provided a Program; all color, 
28 pg plus covers, consisting of photos of all entrants who submitted 
pictures of their cars; a roster of cars, descriptions and driver names; 
historical articles; the schedule; and advertising by Corvair supporters, 
all free to entrants.  There may be another this year.

BBRT is known by all who attend the Racers' Reunion.

Chuck S

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Dozsa" <jdozsa at carr.org>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>; <chsadek at adelphia.net>; "Bob Marlow" 
<nortechcorp at optonline.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: Tenth Annual Racers' Reunion near Pittsburgh PA end of August 
05 (BBRT)

> Well, when is it?  Yes, I know it's the "end of August 05" and it's
> "Three months from this weekend" but how about some clear dates, times
> and locations?  If you want more Corvair owners participation, not just
> racers in the know, you need to be much, much clearer.  I may be a bit
> dense but it took me two years of reading this forum and FastVair to
> figure out what the "Racers' Reunion" is!  What's BBRT?  How about a
> clue to NECC and a reference to their web site?
> Quote:
> "If you haven't attended one of these, you ought to."
> Hell, without detective work I can't even figure out when it is!
> John Dozsa
>> Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 17:44:21 -0400
>> From: "BBRT" <chsadek at adelphia.net>
>> Subject: <VV> Tenth Annual Racers' Reunion near Pittsburgh PA end of
>>         August  05
>> To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>> Cc: Donnamaemims at aol.com, SadekCH at NSWC.NAVY.MIL
>> Message-ID: <001701c55b29$9600f8c0$861aae45 at DCN6FF61newbond>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Folks,
>> It is time to plan for attending the Tenth Annual Racers' Reunion
>> I know we have the Iowa Mini Convention upcoming along with their track 
>> event. This is followed by the Portland OR Nat'l Convention with their 
>> NECC track event.  Three months from this weekend we will hold our Tenth 
>> Annual Racers' Reunion.  At least one day of socializing, mini informal 
>> Corvair car show, performance car show, probably only two tech sessions 
>> this year, a track talk on how to drive a track with specifics about 
>> BeaveRun, http://www.beaverun.com/, dinners together (informal), and the 
>> next day, a low key day at the track, hosted by NECC. If you haven't 
>> attended one of these, you ought to.
>> Open to all Corvairs and if you can't bring a Corvair, your street car. 
>> Typically, the weekend goes like this:  Many arrive on Saturday and not 
>> only do we socialize, we go out in groups to dinner, more socializing and 
>> for those that want to discuss things, i.e. BS, many adjourn afterwards 
>> to a nearby establishment for beverages.
>> On Sunday, we register those that haven't.  We have all the cars in the 
>> parking lot and we discuss who did what and why to their cars, etc. 
>> Non-track participants are welcome.  We have a tech session in a room at 
>> the host motel where we give out door prizes, etc. That night we do the 
>> dinner thing again and renew acquaintenances.
>> Sunday may change this year as we may participate in holding an autocross 
>> at the track for locals as well as Corvair folks.  A very easy way to 
>> learn and try autocrossing with noted folks present who regularly 
>> participate in autocrossing.  We may work with the three Corvette clubs 
>> in the region to hold both the autocross and fill the field on Monday-to 
>> ay the bills. Of course, it is first-come first-serve for the Corvair 
>> folks so plan on getting your applications into NECC as soon as they go 
>> up on their web site.
>> On Monday, we arrive at the track, unload or prepare or both, have a 
>> safety talk, and then go out on track by groups. The groups are A, B, C; 
>> fast, faster, and fastest; or slow, slower and slowest, depending on your 
>> perspective. After everyone has been out and seen and driven the track, 
>> learned where the two passing zones are, we open the track to practice 
>> without regard to groups.  This has worked exceedingly well.  Turns out, 
>> there are times when you may be one of two or three cars on track.  We do 
>> allow passing only between specified areas, marked with orange safety 
>> cones.  That way, the passed car holds his or her line, and the faster 
>> car goes around.
>> At the end of the day we compare results, get plaques and Tweeties for 
>> whatever reason the organizers deem fit.  Not just for fastest cars in 
>> each group.  First timers routinely win plaques.
>> Donna Mae Mims will be there, Warren Dernoshek plans on attending and we 
>> are inviting several old hands; long-time Corvair competitors like Jerry 
>> Thompson, Jon Brakke, Jim Schardt, Don Eichstadt, and James Reeve.  We 
>> may have support from GM performance, but unclear at his time.  We are 
>> trying to get a Corvette or Cadillac racer which are being campaigned 
>> again this year nationally.
>> So if you want to see the past and present folks in Corvair autocrossing 
>> and road racing, this will be the time to participate.
>> Chuck S
>> (For the Head Geezer Warren LeVeque, Asst. Geezer Dan Giannotti and NECC)

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