<VV> Re: INline gas turnoff

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Wed May 18 12:18:26 EDT 2005

At 05:21 hours 05/17/2005, J R Read_HML wrote:
>I see your point and I've been rear ended at least three times that I can 
>remember over the years.  Always by someone not looking in the direction 
>their car was pointed.
>Could you get sued for it?  I suppose.  Would they win?  Probably not 
>likely since THEY ran into YOU (at least - into your car).

When and if the time ever comes that a thief could steal MY car and abandon 
it in the middle of the street, and someone runs into it and then tries to 
sue ME, I'll beat his ass right there in the middle of main street and then 
go get a lawyer.


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