<VV> '66 Coupe FS

J R Read_HML hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 16 21:24:34 EDT 2005

Just received an email from my nephew.  He is giving thought to selling his 
'66 coupe.  He has been in Arizona for nearly 3 years and the car is back 
here in IL, at his mother's place.  He and his young wife are on a tight 
budget - school and part time work.  I think this might have something to do 
with his (potential) decision to sell.

I've not seen the car in a while, but I recall it as a pretty decent car.  I 
asked him to send me the particulars and (once he does that) I can pass them 
on to anyone who might have an interest.  I believe that it is a 110/4 with 
dual exhaust straight out the rear - Monza with Corsa dash.  A real 
interesting - kind of deep purple color.  Black interior.

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Later, JR

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