N2VZD at aol.com
N2VZD at aol.com
Sun May 15 22:30:49 EDT 2005
was it really gas? or moisture with carbon and rich smell that calmed down
after warmup?
my latest powerglide fiasco is now on stage. i took 2 apart today. one is
early. one is late. now after looking all parts over i see a difference in
pumps and valve bodies and low apply piston. actually i see 3 different pump
body types now after checking my stash of parts. can i put late valve body and
low piston against early stack? with later pump?i see there is a difference in
the stack height(trying to see answers in bobs book and tech guide but i am
confused). also i wonder if i measured the stack wrong causing my crazy
troubles? or maybe my converting the back cover to take cooler lines bit me? i have
never had the luxury of a matching differential and tranny so i stumbled thru
measuring the stack from instructions in bobs book. never bothered before
and they always seemed to work fine.i have the fluid blowing out the vent
syndrome at times still and fluid is stressed. i drove it about 70 miles today with
no problems. if i check it sometimes there is a cup of fluid in the bed of
the truck from the vent.
plan is to build 2 new trannys and install asap . (van and rampy). i hope to
come up with the best combo out of my parts stash somehow.is there any hidden
differences in the cases?really breaking in my new teardown bench! maybe i
will give up on external coolers.
regards, tim colson
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