<VV> Re: Referred to as she
Tony Underwood
tonyu at roava.net
Tue May 10 13:09:37 EDT 2005
At 06:14 hours 05/09/2005, Frog Princezz wrote:
>Don't go hating because you don't know how to warm her up first!!!
My ragtop is an IT. No male or female. As such, I treat it with equal
respect as regards any entity, regardless of gender. No patronization,
no false affections.
>Not all men have that talent, we females only quickly warm up to those who
>deserve it.
My talents are fine, thanks. And my ragtop is patient... unlike a
female. It's accommodating, unlike a male. And it has no ego, unlike
either. It just waits quietly for the next drive.
>We are very satified if he has the tools/equipment to satify...
Uh huh... I can dismantle whichever fastener there is on anything in the
fleet. There's a tool to fit everything. No satisfaction guaranteed or
required. It just is.
>and if most of the HE's weren't so cheap
...and most of the females weren't so demanding...
>you would see that the expensive shoes last much longer than the cheap ones
Michelins and/or Goodyear not good enough? (those are the last tires I
>you keep trying to give us.
Remember... most owners have a budget to which they must adhere.
>One time quality purchase is in the long run cheaper than many cheap low
>quality purchases.
...like 250 bucks for one gallon of Roman Red lacquer...? (I know it's
wrong for '65 but I LIKE the color)
>So in short it's not the SHE's with the problem it's the HE"S...
Well, if not for THIS he, the red Corsa ragtop wouldn't have lasted through
the end of the week past that first Monday when I saw it for the first
time. It would have gone to the recycler's yard.
>Well the SHE's problem is the HE!!!
Obviously you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd. My red ragtop
owes its existence to me, yet I make no claims of demanding obligations
from it. It owes me nothing.
>Besides we are expensive
...the red ragtop had been abandoned on someone's property and partially
stripped... and was free for the taking. If nobody rescued it the car was
going to the scrap yard. I was its last chance.
>but worth it
The price was right...
>and you will never love us any less!!!
I like the red ragtop. It's been around for 25 years now, still
here. No demands, no criticisms, no conditions. It simply is. As
such, it remains.
It gets respect even though it asks for none. It gets that which it needs
even though it demands nothing. It's going to be getting much attention
this summer without expectation or promise or surprise.
It's more like a cat than anything else. Almost aloof. Just sitting
there in the driveway. It knows it's gonna get painted but it's
unconcerned as to when. It's even gonna get a set of Bosche platinum plus
plugs (which DO work) for the next tuneup although it seldom ever exhibits
the need for any tuning, ever.
In fact, this car came to live with me at around about the same time as the
'at the time soon to be future x-wife'.
It's still here. It predates my '60 4-door sedan by about five
months. That one is still here as well. It also has no gender. It
also simply is.
Once upon a time, the ATTSTBFXW made an announcement that until *her* needs
were addressed, I was not to "waste any more time" on those two Corvairs.
*They* are still here.
Everything has a net worth or value. Priorities change. Viewpoints
shift. The sun bleaches the paint, tans the skin, brings forth sweat of
the brow. Time passes. The Corvairs remain. I know them and I can
trust them. There remains no need to assign gender to either of
them. They don't need such classification. They both rise above such,
in my view. And, they keep me out of trouble most times.
...no rust on my tools.
deus ex machina
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