<VV> The end of the story: 66 Corsa Runs well... period!

NicolCS at aol.com NicolCS at aol.com
Sat May 7 00:18:25 EDT 2005

Some might say that the ultimate Corvair is a '64 with a 140...  Your  son 
had better not park his car at your house without supervision!
Craig Nicol

<snip> Well... here's the final update to the saga...

I  put it on roughly an hour ago and took my son's 66 Corsa 140 for a  ride.


All I have to say is; off the line, this car  is quicker than my newly
rebuilt 64 Spyder and it is very responsive.   It pulls strongly and runs
smoothly... and I have yet to balance things out  (I don't own a uni-syn
anymore and I need to purchase  one).<unsnip>


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