<VV> Wierd problem (oil filter leak)

NicolCS at aol.com NicolCS at aol.com
Tue May 3 15:23:39 EDT 2005

Ewell, is it possible that your 90 degree adapter is modified?  A  stock 90 
degree adapter (I have one in my hand) is not "reverseable".  One  leg has a 
blind threaded hole (that one faces up and receives the original  "long" oil 
filter bolt) and the other leg has a large hole (the short oil filter  bolt 
passes through this hole and screws into the oil filter).  I can  imagine some kind 
of mix-up in the placement of gaskets, but it's not possible  to put the 
stock 90 degree adapter on "reversed".  Has your adapter been  modified for some 
Craig (adapting well after 90 deg. Corvair therapy) Nicol

I made a  post a few days ago about a weird problem I had with my 65 Monza 
110 with A/C  on the way to Helen, where I won the not so coveted Hard luck 
award after  spraying oil all over my engine compartment. (With all sorts of 
resulting  problems from slipping belt, oil in the alternator etc.)  Since arriving 
 home I have had some time to work on it and I am pretty sure I have found 
what  I did to cause this mess.  It would appear (according to picture in  
Clark's catalogue)  that I had my 90 degree oil filter adapter reversed  (end for 


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