<VV> corvan I looked at today

Alan and Clare Wesson alan.wesson at atlas.co.uk
Sun May 1 04:25:53 EDT 2005

> I had wanted a greenbrier, we just had our second child and I wanted a 
> cruise vehicle.  Looking to trade my orange car
> http://members.cox.net/ricorvair for a brier, in similar condition  Wanted 
> the windows and the extra seats.

Had a look at the website. Three comments:

a) the links to the cars for sale are dead

b) one of the reasons I sold the Corvan was because we had a blowout at 65 
mph in a modern car, followed by a huge crash - I will send you a pic 
offlist if you like.

I was haunted by what would have happened if we had had the blowout at 65 
mph in the van (instant rollover followed by total disintegration - mine was 
an 8-door, and structural strength isn't their strong point). Now, I am not 
one for silly, politically-correct safety regulations, and I happily drive 
older cars with no crumple zones and non-collapsible steering columns, but 
in the case of a Corvan it did strike me that physics wouldn't be on my side 
in a blowout and/or rollover.

So... after the crash I looked into my innermost soul and decided that, 
having very, very nearly killed the kids once that week already, the last 
thing on earth I was ever likely to do was take them in the 8-door again 
(all metal interior, tall and thin so no stability or rollover resistance 
after a blowout, lap belts only, forward control, metal dash to smash your 
head on, no crumple zones, zero rollover strength, etc.). And a van that I 
couldn't take the kids in wasn't much use to me.

c) you say on the website that you got married in the late model sedan. It 
must have been kinds tight in there, what with you, the priest, the wife, 
the bridesmaids, the best man, etc...

(;-) - sorry, couldn't resist that...



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