<VV> Re: learning to weld

Harry Yarnell hyarnell1 at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 20 17:00:29 EST 2005

As one who has done two corvair tech videos (available from clarks), this
isn't as easy as it might appear. For every minute of 'airtime', there's
countless hours of storyboarding, shooting (take after take), editing (when
we did the Powerglide tape, I was ready to kill the editor), and
Doing a video on welding is a good idea, but right off the bat I see
technical issues with filters for the camera, lest the welding flash destroy
the camera.
I'd almost bet someone's done a video on automotive welding that would be
applicible to the Corvair.

Harry Yarnell
perryman garage and orphanage
perryman, MD
hyarnell1 at earthlink.net

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