<VV> Belt toss, for distance

Chuck Kubin dreamwoodck at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 19 09:53:47 EST 2005

---- I've got a call yesterday about a car which
throws a
> belt a minute. -------

Master Meister,

Here's how I learned it 800 years ago. Haven't thrown
one since, using all kinds of belts of all ages and
ONLY tighten the belt enough so you can still pull the
alternator fan through with one fiinger. Unless
something is out of whack, this is tight enough.
Mechanically, another reason may be if the blower
bearing is too high. Then the belt would be out of
line as it runs onto the pulley. The mystery would be
how it got that way, unless someone changed it and
didn't install it properly. CORSA Communique had an
extensive how-to on this a few years back.

Chuck Kubin

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