<VV> Download time (NO CORVAIR) Official Business [G]

Harry Yarnell hyarnell1 at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 18 15:00:16 EST 2005

Excuse me, but it was ME who pissed and moaned about a 30 minute download.
The file I downloaded was 5 meg in size. I was not pleased. I'd give
anything (almost) for broadband or DSL, but none of it's available to me.
Satellite is $600 installation and $60/mo. service.

Harry Yarnell
perryman garage and orphanage
perryman, MD
hyarnell1 at earthlink.net

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <UltraMonzaWest at aol.com>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Download time (NO CORVAIR) Official Business [G]

> PER  our  "Guidelines", it is my duty to correct this "internet
> myth"..............
> Obviously...Someone just got a cable modem!  ggggg
> Correction:
> #1   The pictures are 380 kb in size........a 56k  modem [ normal $5 modem
> now ]  downloads at  4 kb or more per second......95 seconds.....NOT  30
> minutes!
> #2    If it took 5 seconds to D/ L,  the "transfer rate" was ONLY  76 kb
> second......not 2  megabytes!!!
> Obviously someone has been Hyped   AGAIN...LOL!!!
> NOTE:  no matter what YOUR speed is......the speed of the SERVER  is the
> limiting factor!    MORE people =  more "bandwidth" =  SLOWER  speeds...
> Sofaman
> ****
> In a message dated 3/18/2005 10:37:58 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> kaczmarek at charter.net writes:
> > Folks
> > For those of you who are still on dial up, regardless of the reason, be
> > advised:
> >
> > You're living in the Stone Age!!!  Technology marches on---FAST!  Soon
> > dial-up internet will be as available as new 8 Track Tapes of your
favorite 21st
> > Century music artist.
> >
> > Just as occasionally you have to get a new computer, because programs
get so
> > large your ROM can't load them,  It's time to upgrade your Internet
> > connection/download speed.
> >
> > For the majority of us on Cable TV, your cable supplier can supply you
> > a SUPER FAST connection for what most of you pay for AOL anyway.  I
> > SLOWED mine down from 3 meg to 2 meg download speed, as I didn't really
> > it THAT fast, and it saved me 10.00 per month.  My Internet costs 20.00
> > month, and it is well worth it.
> >
> > I believe there is also broadband internet with fast speeds that you can
> > access over telephone lines for reasonable prices.
> >
> > The Hooters Girls Pics that Joe put up I downloaded in less than 5
> > 30minutes?? FORGET IT!!!
> >
> > Satellite providers also offer Internet connection services at equal
> > speeds....well worth the price. It isn't even a frugality thing
anymore......Why go
> > nuts waiting for stuff to download??
> >
> > Regards
> > HANK
> >
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