<VV> Re: HP rating gross and net

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Thu Mar 10 11:40:30 EST 2005

At 04:20 hours 03/10/2005, James Dallas wrote:
>You forgot to mention the 145 Turbo...150HP

Actually no I did not.

There is evidence to suggest that the 145ci turbo engines as installed also 
did not quite produce their advertised horsepower.    According to another 
engine article in a car performance publication, regarding performance 
upgrades to the later 164ci engines, they  indeed did make more than 

I'd go along with their findings which seem to be concurrent with what I've 
seen over the years with my own stuff as well as other's cars, as far as 
*stock* 145ci turbo engines go.   Now, I'd wager that it's not hard at all 
to get *more* than 150hp from an early turbo engine just by adding some 
simple bolt-ons and a bit of tuning.   But as installed, bone stock, 
they're somewhat lacking... but easy to wake up, as described in the Fisher 
publication "How To Hotrod Corvair Engines", and those tricks do indeed 

It's interesting what can happen to a turbo engine just by replacing the 
muffler with a lower restriction example.


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