<VV> RE: 100% CORSA membership (long)

tkalp at cox.net tkalp at cox.net
Thu Mar 3 17:54:54 EST 2005

I think CORSA is a great organization and I have had the privilage to meet some of the best people in the world thru CORSA events.

CORSA exists to promote the Corvair hobby.  Sometimes we forget that without CORSA there would still be a Corvair hobby, just look at the customers of Cal and Lon that aren't members.  If CORSA died would all the members stop their Corvair Affair?  CORSA makes the hobby better, but it is just a part of the overall picture. 

In the last five years our local club has gone from 4 to 50 members, we have rejoined CORSA, we promote CORSA membership in the news letter (I am editor).  If CORSA membership was made a requirement we would lose many members and CORSA would have a few more bucks in their pocket . . . or our club would just drop the CORSA affiliation.  I don't see this as a net gain for the Corvair hobby or CORSA.  If we have to blackmail people to join our national organization what does it say about that organization?

We have several members that joined the club first and after hearing some of us talk about the Convention trips and some of the activities that CORSA was involved in have gone ahead and joined CORSA. . . that is the way it should be.

If CORSA wants to increase membership, it cannot keep doing the same things it has in the past, it needs to change. The local Model A club has over 200 members and the National organization is thriving. These cars are 30 years older than our Corvairs and they are attracting "new blood" all the time. VirtualVairs has been a real asset to the Corvair hobby and to CORSA also.  We need to look at what some of the other clubs are doing and take a few risks. If I had the "magic wand" answer I would share it, I don't, but that will not stop me from looking.

This is just one member's opinion. There is no doubt that there are plenty of people out there who disagree and will post their arguments. That will be welcome, the healthy discussion of issues will help the Corvair hobby and CORSA grow.

Terry Kalp

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