<VV> re;the 'Frankenstein'affair

tom zimmermann s10birdman1966 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 27 22:23:34 EDT 2005

I'm about to rescue a '65 Monza coupe,cost of 'car',with reg,$240...less 110/pg,gas tank,windshield,stick bellhsg( from a Monza 140 block),entire front suspension/steering...and the 8 cinder blocks in the trunk...car will be further stripped,reassembled with every part becoming easily serviceable,from the 65 4-door i got last year ($500..but the 60-over 140 is worth that,at least,which is in my 66 Corsa)--$ 0...from my horde of powertrains,I'll pick a 66 4sp,open 3;27 diff,,( $50+$50)and,lets see..written-off parts,like s10 buckets,gas tank (in the trunk),and fusebox/wiring...$125 for used alloy 14" rims,tires,$100 (used set from Corsa);;since the car is to be a "mule",it will get every engine I have,that can be made to run with a gasket set and a valve job,from the 35+ assorted ones ($1600 rough total),to sell some as "good runners",making the car-uuhh,'mule'--earn it's keep...no bodywork or paint,it will wear the light metallic blue it got from the factory,and the rust spots it has
 earned over the last 40 years with pride and dignity..priceless....Tom/lovin' every minute of 'quality time'...

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