<VV> Corvairs and Pilots

J R Read_HML hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 27 13:13:24 EDT 2005

My father taught Army pilots during  WWII.  We've got lots of B&W pics of 
planes in a row - each graduating class, that sort of stuff.  He later 
worked  most of his life for AA.  Retired in 1976.  I took my kids out to 
O'Hare to meet his last flight at the gate.  You probably would not be 
allowed to do that today.  He prided himself on always staying current of 
every type of equipment in AA's fleet.  The last thing he was qualified on 
was DC10.

I have a private license, but have not made use of it since 1967.  There was 
a time when I wanted to do commercial, but priorities changed and that did 
not happen.

My brother had a Cessna 140 until his passing.  At least two - and maybe all 
3 of his sons are licensed.

My oldest son owns a 2 place (tandem) Citabria.  He has instructor license 
on both powered and non-powered aircraft.  He gives rides to tourists (for a 
price) as he has lived on Kauai for a dozen years or so now.

My middle son just told me a couple of weeks ago that he has signed up for 
lessons on an ultralight.

Attachments (if any) are scanned with anti-virus software.

Later, JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <billpat at telusplanet.net>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 9:18 AM
Subject: <VV> Corvairs and Pilots

> Hi all,
> There was a thread started on Saturday about folks who love Corvairs and 
> are
> also Ham radio operators.  I'm wondering how many out there in Corvairland
> have an aviation background, are presently or previously had licenses,
> (private, commercial, military) or are members of AOPA or Canada's COPA. 
> I'm a
> graduate (1955) of the Aviation Trades High School in New York City (just
> dawned on me that Corvairs hadn't been built yet) and have held various
> licenses.  Am interested in replies either to VV or directly.
> Bill
> 63 Turbo vert
> 66 140/PG Coupe
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