<VV> 3.08's

Jim Bannister jimster1 at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 24 03:21:17 EDT 2005

Wow!!! You bet. I just installed 3.08's in my '66 turbovert.  They
completely changed the character of the car.  It's sooo quiet on the
freeway, top down, windows up and you can carry on a conversation and listen
to the stereo.  A pleasant side effect is that it turns 3rd gear into a
rippin' passing gear, it'll pull to almost 80 in third with a 5K red line.
I haven't decided if I'm gonna look around for the tranny with the lower 1st
gear.  It's a bit doggy on launch.  If you're a stoplite racer, it's not for
you, but if you enjoy the open road, it's the hot setup.
Jim Bannister
'66 turbovert


> Just as an aside, are 3.08 gearsets considered valuable for anything ? 

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