<VV>Engine overheat warning buzzer ?
Joe West
joew at diveaz.com
Wed Jun 22 07:46:50 EDT 2005
Try this:
Disconnect the temperature SWITCH (different than the temperature sending
unit). It is on the rear right hand (passenger side) head. Remove the lower
right shroud to get to it.
Did the buzzing go away?
It really sounds as if you've pinched the wire that runs to the temperature
switch to ground.
Disconnect the screws/straps whatever on the dash to make the buzzing go
away. Now... one at a time, put the screws back in... which screw causes
the buzzing to return? Focus on figuring out what is going on in the area
of THAT screw.
On 6/21/05 8:45 PM, "Warner Butler" <warnerbutler at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> New-boy, just joined today.
> 1965 Corsa Coupe, 4-speed, 140. Setting the scene: had to change the
> speedometer, so that was a dash remove/replace. Then in
> trouble-shooting a starter problem, found that the ring gear was
> shredded in several places, so that was an engine/drive train
> remove/replace. Now . . . . the problem is a buzzing noise(ref. page
> 12-10 1965 Corvair Shop Manual) in the center top of the dash(by the
> cylinder temp. guage) whenever I connect the negative battery cable.
> The noise is present with ignition on or off and with the engine
> running or not!?! I removed the dash again to check for pinched wires
> or no ground, etc. During re-installation after I hooked up the dash
> cable bundle I connected the battery and no buzz! After installing all
> screws, grounding strap, etc. the buzzing is back whenever I connect the
> battery. It appears(?) as though the cylinder temp. needle is
> functioning ok - it was about 200 degrees(I didn't let the engine run
> long enough for it to rise).
> Help!! Thanks
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Joe West
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