<VV> Zero $ Race Team

Mike Kost vairmike at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 13 11:33:32 EDT 2005

They said "Zero $" not "Zero Cost"! <VBG>

Mike Kost

vairologist at juno.com wrote:

>Smitty says:   We of the BBRT are pleased to see another grass roots car
>in development.  Especially one that runs around a track requiring speeds
>in excess of 30 mph.  There are some who claim they are a race team when
>their car has never sustained the power "on" mode for more than 3-4
>seconds at a time.
>        Seriously, the idea of a zero $ race car makes me smile.  It
>takes a lot of imagination and denial to consider the countless hours of
>labor and valuable parts consumed to have no value.  Best of luck and see
>you at the RR in Aug.              CIC of BBRT

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