<VV> Radio upgrade, and carb whining
Norman C. Witte
ncwitte at wittelaw.com
Mon Jun 13 07:05:09 EDT 2005
Bill, I thought you did an awesome job on that, but I kinda want the stock
look. Still haven't made up my mind. The red Corsa has the AM/FM factory
unit, and I don't really want to ditch it. Right now I am mulling over my
Had a depressing time with my 140 this weekend. Last summer I modified the
carbs to add the little vent tubes that are supposed to decrease turn
cut-out issues. While I was at it I changed all the jets.
Since then, I have not been able to get the car to run properly. The right
bank runs waaaay too rich, with lots of white smoke, and you can even smell
gas. Once it warms up it runs more or less normally.
I tried switching the carbs left to right and the problem went to the left
side. I switched the primaries back (I think just them) and the problem
moved back to the right side. I borrowed a known good carb from John Cole
and replaced the right primary. Same problem. Tore down the secondary on
the right side and found that I had not epoxied the little tubes in place on
that carb, but otherwise everything looked fine. Added the JB Weld, let it
cure, put the carb back together, and it runs the same way.
I am not 100% sure I switched both carbs the first time and only the
primaries the second time. I may have done both both times.
To compound my woes, I heard an intermittent squeal that sounded like some
sort of bearing on the top of the motor. Since I replaced the top bearing
about 6,000 miles ago it shouldn't be that, and it shouldn't be the
alternator either.
So now I don't even want to drive it. I have no clue how to fix the thing
and after going through all the work of getting the motor rebuilt etc, plus
all the work I have to do on the convertible, I have neither the time nor
the cash to hassle with it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Hubbell [mailto:whubbell at cox.net]
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 3:58 PM
To: Norman C. Witte; 'VirtualVairs'
Subject: Re: <VV> Radio upgrade
Gee, Norm, why not just do what I did for Geoff's car. Buy the radio from
Clark's (or another vendor) and modify a "nose cone" from a discarded late
model radio. See pictures at this site:
True, the radio doesn't look perfectly stock, but it comes darn close and
would fool most people.
As far as the other concept, I suspect it is very expensive.
You still need to solve the problem of good speakers, but I figure you could
just put them where the factory did for the optional stereo multiplex -- I
think you can get the information about the multiplex from Clark's as well.
If you need the specifics, let me know.
Bill Hubbell
----- Original Message -----
From: "Norman C. Witte" <ncwitte at wittelaw.com>
To: "'VirtualVairs'" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 11:10 AM
Subject: <VV> Radio upgrade
>I have been considering options for upgrading or replacing my factory
> I have always been torn on this one. I do not see a way to get truly good
> sound in a Corvair without making permanent mods and losing the stock
> look.
> On the other hand I would like to have FM available and better electronics
> than what the factory radio had to offer. I came across this, which I
> thought was quite interesting:
> http://www.antiqueautomobileradio.com/stereoF.htm
> This company takes your original radio--could be AM or AM/FM, doesn't
> matter--and guts it, replacing the chassis with a four channel, digitally
> tuned AM/FM tuner. The look stays absolutely stock and it can be run in
> mono mode.
> I was wondering if anyone has done this. It's not cheap, but I like the
> concept a lot, because it gives all the functionality without losing the
> stock look. With a better than stock speaker, this looks like an ideal
> option for my convertible.
> Norm
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