<VV> ARGH!!! Simple electrical stuff driving me crazy! UPDATE/ conclusion (humor?)

Louis C. Armer, Jr. carmerjr at mindspring.com
Fri Jun 10 01:25:19 EDT 2005

Soooo.........To sum it up briefly.............As things get older it gets 
harder to pass
a bus if you have difficulty in your current situation.........Frankly, I 
have always had
problems passing a bus much less a few Mexican 
dishes.....1,  2,  3,  4,  ........<GGG>

09:59 PM 6/9/05 -0400, you wrote:
>Thanks for all of the off-list advice.
>What I did was assume that it was NOT working correctly before (even 
>though it seemed to be) and start
>by checking out each connection. What I found was like an intermittent 
>failure, but in reverse. It was
>intermittently working correctly!
>I found a variety of  issues... the main battery cable loose in the molded 
>clamp, the main feed from the
>alternator corroded and coming apart at the butt connector at the clamp, 
>and the old fashioned circuit
>breaker in the main feed to the front wiring bus heavily corroded and the 
>connectors also corroded. I
>replaced the battery clamp and alternator feed, removed the old circuit 
>breaker and put in a new one
>with screw connectors.
>This _completely_ cured the front bus low voltage situation. It wasn't 
>that the alternator or battery was
>bad, but the corroded connections couldn't pass enough current to keep the 
>voltage up under load.


Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman

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