<VV> McQ

Jim Houston tampatexan at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 6 06:31:33 EDT 2005

Thanks, Seth...  looked at the site, and I stand corrected!!  (Amazing 
what you can find out when you make a stupid comment!) :-[


Sethracer at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 6/5/2005 4:27:48 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> tampatexan at earthlink.net writes:
>     Actually, it was a Dodge Challenger that ran into the bulldozers.... 
>     Great movie!
>     Jim Houston
> Before you take the bet, check out :  
> http://geocities.com/algenard/directory.html
> Look for the production photos. It was a Camaro painted white.
> *Seth Emerson
> Sethracer at aol.com
> C's the day! Corvair, Camaro, Corvette*

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