<VV> Portland 2005 Convention Rooms still available
lonwall at corvairunderground.com
Fri Jun 3 13:52:16 EDT 2005
Auntie Koto is right! But you'll also miss Walter Carter and myself log
rolling on the Columbia, Burt Neuner and I and the semi-annual snipe
hunt, Barb Sizemore's slug-hunt, the first annual Tim Schwartz Gilbert
and Sullivan sing off and no one wants to miss Gary Baldwin's The
Simpson's tour of Portland (Find out the origins of Krusty the Clown -
his Portland version is still living at Alpenrose Dairy - Rev. Lovejoy,
Sideshow Bob Terwilliger and See Montgomery Burns)
It seems trite but it's not, I assure you. Folks will be talking about
this International for at least the next 3 decades. Will you be there?
If you don't have your reservations in then get a move on! It's Oregon
or bust!
Unca Lonald
antkoto wrote:
>Still rooms available for this years 2005 Corsa Convention. For the
>procrastinators here is the reservation information:
>Red Lion on the River
>909 North Hayden Island Drive
>Portland, OR 97217
>PHONE: (503) 283-4466
>FAX: (503) 283-4743
>TOLL FREE: (800) Red-Lion
>RES: (800) Red-Lion
>Or go to www.Corsaoregon.com and click on the rampside.
>Things you may miss:
>Team rampside
>River boat cruise
>Auto cross
>parts for sale
>Susquatch (big foot)
>Corvair College
>Econo run
>FREE Welcome party
>Awards banquet
>Quilting class
>Valve cover races
>D.B. Cooper's unrecovered money (see me for details)
>Good friend's
>Model car show
>and more.
>Hope to see you there.
>Duane Wentlandt
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