<VV> 1965 Corvair Filmstrip to DVD!

Tim Verthein minoxphotographer at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 23 11:59:50 EDT 2005

Alrightee then....
At the Iowa Mini, I purchased a filmstrip/phono record dealer training
presentation from Lon. If you remember your shcool days, you remember
film strips (if you're over 40 anyway) where you play the record, the
announcer talks, and there's a little "beep" for you to turn to the
next picture in the projector.  This is one of those.

Well, just because I can, i have converted this filmstrip to DVD. Yes,
with modern technology you can now make old stuff into new stuff.  And
it was a project that forced me to learn my movie and dvd authoring
software. So..this is my first shot at it.

The strip is "Selling Corvair over Mustang" and proceeds to tell you
why the 1965 Corvair is so much better than the 1965 Mustang.  After
all, map pockets ARE standard on the Corvair. Favorite quote "The
Mustang is merely a sporty car. The Corvair handles like a sportscar."
That and "The Mustang is just a fancy Falcon."

Of course the idea is to share this with other Corvangalists.  I wanted
to make it a download from my web site....but even as a low quality QT
movie..it's like 120 megs, and the sound and image quality was
horrible.  So....I made DVD's. Scanned each film image indivudually.
Digitized the sound track. Put it all together.  Now, it's like
watching a 40 year old filmstrip on your TV. Complete with the little
scratch on the record going "tick" every so often, and the slightly off
color reddish filmstrip images (they looked like that when they were
NEW). But..it plays nice, and it's pretty darn cool. I didn't want to
fix the color of the scans, or remove the occasional click from the
record, as to make it feel more like the real thing.

First TEN folks who want one can have one FREE!  No strings, no
committments.  Just e-mail me your mailing address (Off list
PLEASE!!!!) and I'll send ya one.  No fancy packaging, hell, I might
not even label them.  I'd just like to know how it looks to others, and
if it really plays in most DVD players.  My fisrt time out making a DVD
from stills and a phono record! Remember, this is for the 1965 model,
but any Corvair nut will get a kick out of this. "See how the lightly
loaded rear wheels of the Mustang swing out in corners?"

Tim in Bovey

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