kaczmarek at charter.net
kaczmarek at charter.net
Wed Jul 13 17:37:34 EDT 2005
Tim and all
Seafoam Deep Creep Penetrant---Petroleum based, makes a great starting fluid---no ether, no flashback, no bent pushrods, etc. Don't Panic---It's Organic
> From: N2VZD at aol.com
> Date: 2005/07/13 Wed PM 03:27:25 EST
> To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
> Subject: <VV> Re: STARTING FLUID!
> the strongest starting fluid i would use on a corvair or car gas engine is
> carb cleaner or gasoline in a squirt oiler. of course again common sense says
> be carefull and ready for belch/ fire. have extinguisher ready. i never had
> trouble using carb cleaner on engines that had not been run for years. squirt
> some in the bowl via the vent holes then open the throttle plates and put some
> down there. if everything else is ready it should start instantly.save the
> either for putting big diesels to sleep.
> regards, tim colson
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