<VV> low power in a 65
kaczmarek at charter.net
kaczmarek at charter.net
Fri Jul 8 09:45:24 EDT 2005
Could be an ignition condensor breaking down???
Just a guess....
but I would think that it's time for a rebuilt/new gas tank sender and filter sock--make sure all the lines are clear, etc.
> From: "Chris C, Warwick RI" <ricorvair at cox.net>
> Date: 2005/07/08 Fri AM 08:35:21 EST
> To: virtualVairs at corvair.org
> Subject: <VV> low power in a 65
> This is a wiered one...at least to me.
> Car was running fine, but since the gas guage is not reliable I stopped to
> put gas in it.
> Mobile medium gas, with MBTE.
> Put in 7.7 gallons, and then topped it off.
> Smelled gas, and looked under the car. Looks like it was overflowing from
> the filler neck side.
> Expensive puddle on the ground.
> Car drives fine away from their.
> 7 hours later I go to go to a cruise. Starts fine, revs fine.
> 0-15 normal
> 16-35 very ssssllllllooooowww. Almost embarisingly slow.
> No bucking, clanking, etc. No rough shifts. Slighly uneven if stuck at a
> light.
> Fluids all good.
> I am thinking:
> don't top off.
> bad gas, burn it off and see what happens
> change fuel filter,
> replace fuel sock, its been 7 years since I serviced the tank.
> The only other problem I have is I have to let it warm about 30 sec with
> the peddle slightly down or it will stall after about 15 sec by itself.
> Its been several years since I changed the transmission fluid.
> Any other words of wisdom.
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