Re: noise IMHO (AKA British Police
Alan and Clare Wesson
Fri, 28 Jan 2005 18:25:19 -0000
> How do you really feel about the police?
To give you a rough idea, check out these two websites. The first is
maintained by the ''North Wales Tony Blair Motorist-Screwing Specialists''
(sorry - Police) and the second is a brilliant spoof of it run by a friend
of mine:
> Corvair content: The last time I was stopped by the police was because she
> was curious about my EM sedan.
The last time I was stopped by the police was in my 47 Chev. The policeman
stopped me to ask about the car, what age it was, etc., and spent about 15
minutes admiring it, kicking the tyres, etc.
Then he breathalysed me (negative of course). So after wasting 15 minutes of
my time on pleasantries and getting my trust, he then proceeded to try to
screw me. What a way to improve the image of the police force among
motorists - NOT.
What a bag of sh*t - and typical of his breed (my last motoring conviction
was in 1986, for parking, so I have nothing to hide. But I DETEST the
British Police and their persecution of the motorist).
> She (very attractive brunette) was interested in my car...
He (ugly slap-headed git) was interested in my car. Then he tried to screw