<VV> Need Help on CORSA Store
Charles B. Peck
Wed, 26 Jan 2005 16:19:02 -0700
Group -
I have a 1st draft of an on-line store for CORSA. It should be reachable at:
I need;
Help in testing this site,
Help in making the site better, and
Help in fitting this into the CORSA business model.
And if there is anyone who understands Cascading Style Sheets, and
wouldn't mind helping me with that, I could use some help there.
In testing the site, I would like input about how things didn't work the
way you expected or wanted.
In making the site better, I could use some better pictures and
descriptions of the products. (and if any are so inclined, how to
improve the look of the site - this is somewhat constrained by the
shoping cart I am using.)
In fitting into the CORSA Business Model, I need things like:
Input on maintainability of the site, and
Reports that will be necesary to actually ship product.
If you can give input in this area, contact me and I will set you up
with an admin password.
Thanks in Advance -
Chuck Peck
Salmon, Idaho