<VV> RE: Swing axle diameter
James Davis
Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:25:12 -0600
I don't have any car axles around the shop. The FC axle is 22.25 inches
long (not including the splines). That is to the hub face. The diameter
at the bearing is 1.375 inches and this diameter tapers to 1.0 inches
at 1.5 inches from the splines. The axle diameter increases to 1.125 at
the splines.
Jim Davis
At 12:42 PM 1/26/2005, Sadek Charles H DLVA wrote:
>Anybody have the diameter of an FC axle and of a car axle? Can someone
>where it is nice and warm, measure or me, Please? Or tell me where it is
>located so I can look it up?
>Thank you.
>Chuck S
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sadek Charles H DLVA
>What are the diameters of the FC swing axles? Are they larger than the car
>version? Are the inner yokes different from car to FC axle?
>Chuck S
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