<VV> Is our chairman really Charlie Dye in disguise? Was Re: <VV> Ultima...

Ken Wildman k-wildman@onu.edu
Mon, 24 Jan 2005 16:33:17 -0500

At 02:01 PM 1/24/2005, corvairs wrote:
>Snoids run wild. Be genuine. No time like president got bush for the 
>dollar your car my place her beer. Oy yoy yoy these cars have feet and 
>foot for food. Oingo boingo! That'll shoem hoo hoos around watercooler 
>dollars for ducks, ducks for canadian beepers! oem sho ee em aunti em anti 
>m-1. tanks alot for dollars sent to charlie thought e.e. cummings bad 
>grammer bad punctuation  and dream on the eve of a bee sting? wowsers! Wow 
>Bob Wow. the little carnivale midget? brother justin just ordered windlace 
>- be genuine oh oh. Call Lara Palmer - bhgderwqany!
>Regards Charlie

You left out "Send SASE"  rust-free.