<VV> Engine Failure Cause????

CorvairEd@aol.com CorvairEd@aol.com
Sat, 22 Jan 2005 22:24:29 EST

Probably caused by stuck valves or overly tightened rockers.  Remove  all of 
the rockers, you will have to readjust the valves anyhow.  Check the  valves 
for freedom of movement by prying down on them with a big long screw  driver of 
pry bar.  You can anchor on the valve spring next to it and see  if the valve 
will go down and then return by itself.  If all seems well,  replace the bent 
push rod tubes and push rods with good ones, reset the valves  and turn the 
engine over by hand while watching the rockers.  If all work  properly, time to 
start the engine.  Let us know how it works out.  

Ed Corson  (CORSA Member)