<VV> Re: V V MUST READ! WARNING! (humor)
Sat, 22 Jan 2005 11:14:50 EST
I wrote:
> >Unfortunately..someone hooked a battery to a Vacuum cleaner....added gas
> >and
> >BAM gone! gggggg
> >
> >wcuh
> In a message dated 1/22/2005 6:30:15 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> rickjanet@charter.net writes:
> Well that just sucks!!
> TLHoover
Well...obviously thar Sucker...no longer sucks thru those singed lips! LOL
We won't be hearing much from him/her for a while......until their
fingernails grow back!
Matt Nall / Patiomatt / WCUH / Chairman V V
69 Monza Cpe., 66 Monza vert, 65 Crown v8 Cpe.
Somewhere between Reno, NV and Coos Bay, Or.