<VV> RE: VirtualVairs digest, Vol 1 #1653 - 13 msgs

Norm Frakes normf@centurytel.net
Sat, 22 Jan 2005 09:01:32 -0600

Norm Frakes

   4. Re: Corsa Cove Color (Alan and Clare Wesson)

I'm redoing a 1966 Corsa.   It still has the orginal (Argent) silver rear
end.....I experimented and found two colors that are very, very close
matches.   The first is Krylon's Chrome / Aluminum.   That will hold up
reasonably well...or can be clear coated without lifting.  I've done it
using DuPont's clearcoat from the basecoat / clearcoat system.

The other color is the silver from a 1999 VW Passat.  I had a pint.....and
tried it.  A stripe painted over the existing factory argent didn't
show......at 10 feet you couldn't see it.     That MUST be clearcoated.
It is not a hard color to match.......   However, for perfection.....get it
matched to the paint code in DuPont or Ditzler's paint chip book.