<VV> Re: Ultra Series Corvair Deep Dimple Lifters -Humor

Corvkid50@aol.com Corvkid50@aol.com
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 19:45:48 EST

After reading all the winded posts on the "secret  design" lifter in question 
I decided to do some investigating my self. After  dis-assembling the lifter 
in question and examining the internal parts I noticed  some writing or 
symbols I could not read or understand. They looked like the  symbols that I had 
seen on bits of metal on Art Bells web site from the Roswell  Crash site. I 
contacted Art and showed him the parts and he informed me this was  one of the many 
projects that was worked on at Area 51. If he told me anymore,  he said he 
would have to kill me.  I said that was good enough for me.  I think this is the 
reason we cannot get a straight forward answer on the  lifters in question. I 
hope this helps.
Ron ( The Ego Centric)  Thompson