<VV> Bras (was Corvair Adventures) (NO CORVAIR)
Ken Wildman
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 08:38:59 -0500
At 08:25 AM 1/21/2005, Alan and Clare Wesson wrote:
>>Kind of embarrassing for my then wife since it was just a jump
>>in the car, run do it kind of thing, so she didn't put on a bra.
>My wife never wears a bra when I jump her in the car and we just do it,
>P.S. Sorry - couldn't resist that! My wife is actually an extreme
>feminist, and hasn't ever, as far as I know, owned a bra. If she has she
>must have burnt it before I met her in 1978...
I thought the purpose of the automotive bras was to keep the front springs
from sagging.....
Never mind,