<VV> Annoying text

Dennis & Debbie Pleau ddpleau@earthlink.net
Mon, 17 Jan 2005 19:55:41 -0600

We don't edit anything, as long as the message gets through our filters 
that mostly look to see if the poster is subscribed to the list, it get 
posted without any of us looking at it.  It would ba a full time job to 
edit and fix the text in the messages that are posted each day.

Dennis for vv-help

At 08:50 PM 1/17/2005, OPENHABIT@aol.com wrote:
>As Newsletter editor for Tidewater Corvair Club for many years, I have been
>amazed by what the Internet does to text. Half my editing is to correct the
>weird stuff. I don't think the moderators of the list can devote enough 
>time to
>editing that it would take to fix it.
>Gary Bull