<VV> Re: Engine Question #2
Tony Underwood
Mon, 17 Jan 2005 13:17:21 -0800
At 10:45 hours 01/16/2005 -0800, vairologist@juno.com wrote:
>> From: "Bill Chellis" <chelvis@camano.net>
>> Subject: <VV> Engine question, Part II
>it turns out that the 110 HP engine
>> is actually a 145 CI, 102 HP. Will a 164 CI crank fit? Or are the
>> crank journals different? I'm not sure and its owner didn't know.
>Smitty says: Bill the crank journals are all the same but the longer
>stroke 164 cu crank will not rotate because the rod big ends will contact
>the block inside. Early blocks can be flycut to allow the longer stroke.
> _______________________________________________
Don't forget the camshaft...