<VV> Paint Codes..
Dave Morris "BigD"
Sun, 16 Jan 2005 18:04:10 -0600
Sandalwood Tan, just like mine
Look for the Fisher Body Tag in the engine compartment.
Dave Morris
At 05:37 PM 1/16/2005, Ryan Verthein wrote:
>I have been pretty much in lurk mode because I haven't
>been able to do much work on the vair, and because I
>can't answer anyone's questions. I still think it's
>hilarious that i have never riden in a vair in my
>life. don't know why i had to point that out.
>anyhow. Question...
>1. I've been trying for days to figure out what color
>my car is. I can't find any place with codes so I
>can't look mine up, and I can't find another car of
>the same color-so there is no one to ask with that
>so, with that...a link to a picture of my 65 Turbo
>I AM going to order one of those things from clarks
>with the chips and codes...that'll hopefully be my
>final answer. but I just figured someone out there in
>Vairland would know.
>Ryan in MN
>..Yes I wish I could turn back the hands of time, and keep on lovin
>you..yes baby I could go back and do the things I forgot to do...-Fabulous
>Thunderbirds darn good tune!
>VISIT MY SITE AT http://ryanandthedelrays.tripod.com/index.html
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