<VV> Oil changes again (no Corvair)
James Davis
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 11:17:01 -0600
I want to watch someone pull a wasp major (4360) through prior to
starting. You have to pull the bottom plugs (three bottom cylinders and
four rows then use the starter). You gota love the C-119C, B-50, C-124,
C-97, B-36. That is when a cross country trip of 3,000 miles took a week.
Jim Davis
At 01:52 PM 1/11/2005, Tony Underwood wrote:
>At 08:53 hours 01/11/2005 -0500, Pitts10ch@aol.com wrote:
>This does not include the oil that weeps into the bottom cylinders from
>sitting overnight, which gets squished out the exhaust when the GC pulls
>the props through before starting... and the blue smoke rolls across the
>field when the engine lights.
>Actually, this "add as you go" practice seems to work pretty well for Vair
>engines as well, especially those with old tube seals. And it sure
>preserves the lower shroud sheet metal even in the "salty road" states.
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