<VV> Pigeon Forge (no Corvair)

Dennis & Debbie Pleau ddpleau@earthlink.net
Sat, 08 Jan 2005 10:03:27 -0600

Pre heat the oven to room temperature, put them in a deep pan, pour a 5th 
of good bourbon over them.  Bake for 10 seconds, toss out the pigeons, and 
drink the gravy.


At 09:05 AM 1/8/2005, you wrote:
>While we're on the subject of pigeons, I thought I would ask for something 
>we've been looking for, for a long time.  Does anyone have a recipe for 
>Clay Pigeons?  We've tried cooking them a number of different ways and 
>they are still too tough to eat.
>Russ Moorhouse
>'65 Corsa coupe 140 HP
>Group Corvair Member
>Corsa Member
>Kent Island, MD