<VV> RE: VirtualVairs digest, Vol 1 #1576 - 11 msgs
Norm Frakes
Thu, 6 Jan 2005 08:52:14 -0600
RE: Patch Panels
I've purchased and used patch panels and had good success. Clark's rockers
for my 66 Corsa Convertible were great. Many small panels, however, are
over priced in my estimation. A little creativity, a sand or shot filled
canvass bag and a hammer and a welder will help you create your own.
No matter what you do...panels have to carefully fitted and welding
carefully applied. Slapping a patch over rust holes creates misshaped
repair. New panels have to be inset in match original contour or they look
( fill in yourself)
Norm F.
66 Corsa conv.