<VV> Re: Walmarts policy on batteries

Dennis Nichols dixiehwy25@yahoo.com
Wed, 5 Jan 2005 07:16:56 -0800 (PST)

I bought one a 51R for the Lakewood in 2004, at convention time. Just took an old battery I had in, gave them the money and walked out with it. Bought tires for the Lakewood in mid 2003 ( in Indiana where it was at the time) and one (slightly oversize) for the 1981 LeMans this summer at Wal-mart. WIth both cars I jsut told them what I wanted, brand, model, and size tire I wanted- no problems. Might state laws (or lawsuit records) have something to do with this?

Gary Swiatowy <mopar@jbcs2.net> wrote:
Quite awhile ago I went into an Advance Automotive to get a Group 51R
Battery. They kept asking what it was for, I replied never mind what it is
for, Do you have one?
Now the only reason I went to advance was it was a Saturday and NAPA didn't
have one on the shelf, couldn't get one til Monday afternoon.
Argued with the counter clerk, and then the manager for about a half hour
while he tried to figure out how to use a book as a 61 Rampside was not in
the computer. They finally arrived at the conclusion that a 51R was the
wrong battery and in fact I needed a Group 53, and they could not sell me a
51 R because it would not be allowed. Of course they didn't have a Group 53,
and no idea how long or if they could get one................
I got my 51R from NAPA on Monday...........
Gary Swiatowy

"Every time a man gets in his car it should be a vacation"- Harley Earl

Dennis Nichols    CORSA, CKC

1961 Lakewood 700 98/3 

Interested in wagons? lakewood700@yahoo.com


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