<VV> Re: Walmarts policy on batteries
Gary Swiatowy
Wed, 5 Jan 2005 05:32:10 -0500
Quite awhile ago I went into an Advance Automotive to get a Group 51R
Battery. They kept asking what it was for, I replied never mind what it is
for, Do you have one?
Now the only reason I went to advance was it was a Saturday and NAPA didn't
have one on the shelf, couldn't get one til Monday afternoon.
Argued with the counter clerk, and then the manager for about a half hour
while he tried to figure out how to use a book as a 61 Rampside was not in
the computer. They finally arrived at the conclusion that a 51R was the
wrong battery and in fact I needed a Group 53, and they could not sell me a
51 R because it would not be allowed. Of course they didn't have a Group 53,
and no idea how long or if they could get one................
I got my 51R from NAPA on Monday...........
Gary Swiatowy
> On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 17:21:49 -0600, Daniel Monasterio wrote:
> > On past July while being at Langley, BC, Canada, I tried to get a new
> >battery from the local Walmart for my 67 Corvair. Choose a 24F battery
and at
> >the desk, while giving my car's info for the guarantee, the guy said it
> >not the right battery for my car so, they can't sell it for this car (the
> >on the computer has reversed terminals). It was priced at about US$ 62.
> >buy the battery nor other stuff I got in the shopping cart. The old
(ultra ?)
> >battery did it's job all the trip to Mexico where I got a good new 24F
> >about $ 40.
> > So, didn't come back to any Walmart thinking that my favorites
> >couldn't be right for me, according to their computer info.
> > Daniel Monasterio