^Re: <VV> faulty grounds

Paul Fox paulvair@yahoo.com
Tue, 4 Jan 2005 19:08:16 -0800 (PST)

I had a bad ground provide some excitment one cold and rainy night. While driving along at about 60mph all of a sudden everything electrical quit except for the engine. So now I'm zooming along in the dark and rain with no lights or wipers or anything. So I let off the gas and pushed in om the clutch pedel, just as suddenly everything came back on. I thought the clutch linkage was rubbing the wiring harness. After I got the car stopped I looked and looked under the car. Then it dawned on me.It had to be a ground because every time I hit the clutch everything came on not just one thing. So I checked the body ground to the battery and sure enough it was loose. I was wet but on my way again fairly quick. Not something you want to have happen to often.
             Paul Fox

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