<VV> Re:5th degree...

Tareece@aol.com Tareece@aol.com
Tue, 4 Jan 2005 18:27:13 EST

Re: <VV> 5th Degree over new tires at Costco (long)

> The Ralph Naders of the world just keep on biting us in the butt.
  We (as average people) are not intelligent enough to deal with our own 
mistakes...Lawyers and politicians have to look out for our best interests......If 
not them, who, I ask you! Who are more ideally, nooooo, UNIQUELY qualified to 
keep us from harming ourselves????
     Seriously, there are reasons why businesses are having to protect 
themselves from the few idiots that, as a poster previously said, run their 
oversized tires too low in their 6000 lb SUV...Self-preservation is one of them.
    Having a policy that could make a customer mad and ruin a sale, it must 
be a major and ironclad issue "from on High". Oddly, it has turned out that 
instead of CEO's running the companies, its really the legal Dept that gives the 
final answers as to what path said company can take...
   Whicheverr, and whatever...it sucks.
    I can't understand how insurance companies can exist after each hurricane 
smashes the East Coast... 

Todd Reece
65 Monza Convert