<VV> Re: brake bias/balance
Sun, 2 Jan 2005 19:38:32 EST
In a message dated 1/2/2005 9:02:43 AM Pacific Standard Time,
djtcz@comcast.net writes:
Modern FWD cars start at 60/40. Hard braking has to shift that to near
80/20. It looks to me like Even dinky little rear drums are probably not a real
hindrance on some cars, and rear disks may have to be turned way down.
Certainly on vehicles with sticky tires, powerful brakes, and high center of
gravity/short wheel base, like modern motorcycles the rear wheel brake might
as well be a shriveled appendage when braking at the "limit."
On the Z51 option package for the 2005 Corvette, they replace the standard
rear calipers with ones with a smaller diameter piston. The front size stayed
the same and all four disk rotors got larger. Hmmm. -Seth