<VV> Board of Directors Job Discription - thanks

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Mon Feb 28 14:40:18 EST 2005

And don't forget the political backstabbing. LOL

-Mark (been there, had that done)

P.S. Though if you ask your "local" director, they'll probably say that 
that doesn't happen anymore. OoooK.......... ;oP

Dr. Robert Hill wrote:

>Gee you forgot to add the part about the BS that you have to put up with :-)   Might as well give them the full blown description
>-----Original Message-----
>From: scott morehead <smorehead at lycos.com>
>Sent: Feb 27, 2005 4:37 PM
>To: Virtualvairs <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>Subject: <VV> Board of Directors Job Discription - thanks
>Job Description
>Approved: 06/18/01
>Title:CORSA Directors DutiesScope/Purpose:
>To establish minimum performance standards and provide guidance for CORSA Directors.
>Applies to the activities of CORSA Directors.
>Job Description:
>Establish contact and develop close rapport with chapters and members in represented Division. In a shared program with other Directors in the Division, provide regular communication to chapters in that Division reporting on activities of the Board, and other matters of concern.
>Will endeavor to provide a column for the CORSA Communique approximately once a year. The subject should be a topic such as organizational business, club policies, or Board business which may have an interest to the majority of the membership. Assist in the sales of the club’s merchandise. Attend the annual convention and, if possible, events of interest in the represented Division. Develop action plans for consideration of the Board. Poll members for opinions and formulate and submit motions as appropriate. Vote on all motions. Read and understand current CORSA Policies, Procedures, and Job Descriptions. Develop new ones or upgrade current ones as necessary.  Distribute information of general interest.
>Participate in committee activities through voluntary service. Assist the nominating committee and the President in the identification and development of candidates suitable for appointive or elective office. Study requirements and prepare for possible service on the Executive Committee.  Respond promptly in all correspondence with members or chapters. Route this communication to the officials who are responsible for the subject of the correspondence. That may be the CORSA Officers, the CORSA Executive Office, or a committee chair. Copies of all correspondence should be sent to the other Directors in the member’s or Chapter’s Division. Note: All correspondence addressed to the Board of Directors should be routed to the CORSA Secretary.  Actively implement all policies of the Society.
>Determine what actions are needed to improve CORSA operations and initiate appropriate discussion leading to implementation of corrective actions
>Scott Morehead

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