<VV> Re: [fastvair] Performance Workshop, Update

AeroNed at aol.com AeroNed at aol.com
Sun Feb 27 23:45:52 EST 2005

All I can say is WOW!!
The Kansas crew arrived safely back home on the range after a wonderful 12  
hour drive. We all had a great time at the Workshop. We all came more with some 
 new toys for our cars. During the ride home we talked about next year. I've  
already started to plan for another presentation on aerodynamics. I may try 
to  bring some bolt on aerodynamic "tricks." I think we own a great deal to Dan 
and  Gary for coming up with the idea for "getting a few guys together" 
(there were  89 this year) to talk about racing Corvairs. I was suprised (relieved) 
at interested the guys were in my talk on "breaking wind" and  enjoyed all 
the questions. I should have known that anytime you start talking  horsepower, 
this crowd is going to listen.
Seeing the "Roe Car" and talking to Warren about the restoration and  history 
of the car was well worth the trip. The other presenters and vendors had  
great stuff too. (Anyone ever think about videoing this thing?) Super cars,  
Super engines and most importantly super people.
As Ken Hand mentioned, the CDs were very popular to say the least (Ken  
bought at least 7!). I sold nearly all that I brought. As Ken mentioned I  pocketed 
only the actual costs of buying the CD's and printing copies of my  slides. I 
donated the remaining $150 to Warren for the Racer's Fund. I had  so much 
fun, it was the least I could do. I can always make more if people want  more. I 
plan to continue to make computer tools and I'm willing to share them.  My new 
toy is a GTech RR and I will be making data reduction tools.
Thanks again Dan and Gary!!!!!!!!! Sign me up for next year!

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