<VV> valve adjustment

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Sat Feb 26 12:34:34 EST 2005

It's in the factory (Helm) issued repair manuals, and is a bit lengthy 
to post here. But you should have those manuals anyway. At least, I'd 
recommend to anyone who doesn't have them to do so, as one of the basics 
in any Corvair owners' library. And especially if you plan on doing your 
own work on them!

BTW, I've used both methods (hot and cold), and they both work. The cold 
method may take more time, but isn't messy. And you don't risk getting 
burned by hot oil. :o)

-Mark C

Kenneth Bates wrote:

>could someone tell me how to adjust the valves on my corvair cold not running? I have seen it on this site before but I did not print it out.   kbates at c4.net

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