<VV> Re: American Idol

Tony Underwood tonyu@roava.net
Sat Feb 19 08:17:19 EST 2005

At 07:26 hours 02/18/2005, Levair@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 2/18/05 10:42:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>HallGrenn@aol.com writes:
><< Thought you watched PBS Nature Warren. >>
>I watch the Grammys hopefully, that real music will make a come back and so
>that my daughter won't think that I'm intentionally living in the past.
>   A couple of years ago , I was rewarded by Norah Jones.
>Now , I can only hope that Josh Groban makes it.
>   What happened to all of the instrumentalists; like Herb, Alpert.?
>   Surely there is some other instrument other than a guitar, which is
>actually only a prop now; overshadowed by jungle rythmns, fireworks, 
>grunts , and
>belly buttons.
>    Ah, now I feel better.,

I retreated into my new age music...  interspersed with Led Zep and Dokken 
and Benny Goodman  (Best of Benny) and Jimi Hendrix.   Michael Matheny is 
nice... as is Yello and (don't laugh) Mannheim Steamroller.    Not all of 
it is for all tastes but the bulk of the latter stuff is instrumentals.

I  also have some Dead Kennedys, Mr Bungle, Franz Liszt, Primus, 
Rachmaninof and Beethoven...   and some organ sonatas by Bach, particularly 
Tocotta in D minor, my  favorite.  Oh, did I mention the waltzes of Richard 
Strauss?   And Richard Wagner... I have the entire opera "Die Valkyrie" on 
vinyl, all 6 LPs.    And of course there's    "Pictures At An Exhibition" 
by Mussorgsky.    Good stuff...  Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker" is nice too, 
although word has it that he hated it himself after he'd finished it.   Add 
to this Jefferson Airplane (NOT Starship), very early Fleetwood Mac (before 
that whiny chick with the boots), Frank Zappa, and Pink Floyd.   Oh, did I 
mention Moody Blues and Emerson Lake & Palmer?

Much of this stuff is Corvair era music...

But no country, no bluegrass.    Sorry, I'm a spoilsport.


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