<VV> RE: Water under Greenbrier gutter

Bob Earls corvairdude@comcast.net
Fri Feb 18 03:50:47 EST 2005

I have a '64 van and was getting water inside the driver compartment from a
seemingly (no pun intended) invisible source.  I traced it to the roof/pillar
seams by the windshield. I cleaned them out best I could and used a 3-M
non-hardening, paintable seam sealer (Heavy Drip-Chek Sealer, part #08531) and
it's dry as a bone now.  I intend to reseal around the entire roof and other
body seams before I paint it this summer, as the old factory sealer is brittle
and falling out everywhere.

Bob in Portland

          "Cogito eggo sum"
(I think, therefore I'm a waffle)

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